Jeep – Diamond Pavilion Mall, Kimberley
If you travel the unpaved roads in search of the edge,
If you welcome the risk and seek new challenges,
If you embrace life without borders…
We invite you to experience the freedom and exhilaration of JEEP.Caution:
The Jeep?? lifestyle is real! Everything on this site is virtual.
It doesn’t smell, it doesn’t live, it is a passive alternative.The World of Jeep?? is the real world…with mud, dirt, tension…with life on the edge.
The history of the Jeep?? vehicle is the history of heroes. The original Jeep?? vehicle was created in only 49 days. In 1940 the world was burning. The US army…and the world…needed a fast, lightweight, all-terrain vehicle.
Over 130 car-companies were invited to design a truly heroic 4×4. Only Willys-Overland and The Bantam Car Company responded. After several tests both companies took the best of both worlds and designed the Jeep®. During World War II Willys and Ford filled more than 700,000 orders. The end of the story is well known.
Shortlink for this post: https://www.kimberley.co.za/?p=1804