ACDC Express in Kimberley endeavours to provide a complete range of electrical solutions, in the most convenient way possible.
We strive to continuously supply commercial and industrial customers with practical and affordable solutions for all their electrical needs.
In order to uphold the high level of service to our clients, we pride ourselves in our product offerings and technical knowledge. We are stockists of premium brands such as Gewiss, Terasaki and Rhomberg, and have a vast product range that allows ample choice to clients.
With a firm understanding of procurement operations, our product range ensures that we are able to provide the best solutions that service the mining, agricultural, industrial, contracting and manufacturing markets.
Our principles are customer-driven as we constantly source quality products to provide our clients with the best solutions.
Our philosophy is to provide solutions that simplify the customers electrical needs, which is heightened by our efforts to provide a convenient service to customers.
Shortlink for this post: https://www.kimberley.co.za/?p=29865
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