Orel Private Academy was established in Kimberley Northern Cape, South Africa in 2016 with the aim of providing quality education to children across the curriculum. To this end, Orel Private Academy focuses on a variety of co-curricular as extra-curricular activities apart from paying strong attention to the academic requirements of our students. Orel Private Academy has a strict policy of only hiring qualified and experienced teachers, ensuring the highest standards of education and mentoring.
The school is equipped with all the facilities that one would need to ensure the best exposure to core academic concepts and practices to students. With well-equipped classrooms, Orel Private Academy ensures variety in education while ensuring steady focus on enhancing the potential of each of our students.
Along with playgrounds and other facilities for physical instruction and recreation, Orel Private Academy also offers trained coaches in various sports and games.
Our classes include the following age groups and grades:
Babies (3 – 12 Months)
Bridging (12-24 Months)
2-3 Year Class
3-4 Year Class
4-5 Year Class (Grade RR)
Grade R
Grade 1-7 **(Grade 7 will open in 2019)
Our Babies to 4-5 year classes are known as the LITTLE EAGLES.
We offer an above standard education starting from our baby class right through to our primary school.Shortlink for this post: https://www.kimberley.co.za/?p=32170
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