The talk of the town is that there is this new shop for “Foodies”. At almost any time this shop is abuzz with activity. In fact there are times when it is so full that people are literally queuing to get in. The name over the door is Deeghuys.
Pass through the door and you can easily be overwhelmed by the activity. Everywhere you find customers fascinatedly bubbling over the unique and original way of presenting food. Here and there you encounter enthusiastic shop assistants rushing from one customer to another giving advice and tips on how to get the best results from the products. In-between all this, more assistants are moving against the traffic, trying to refill shelves, fridges and freezers which are emptied at a continuous rate. Here and there new friends meet, exchanging experiences and giving their own tips. Everybody is having fun.
Shortlink for this post: https://www.kimberley.co.za/?p=9474
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kimberley@deeghuys.co.za -