CARITAS THERAPY CENTRE IN KIMBERLEY Adult & Child Theraphy • Occupational Therapy • Employee Wellness • Emotional Intelligence • Life Skills Development MISSI…
All Community in Kimberley & The Northern Cape
Community. Educational, Cultural, Religious
N. G. Kerk Vooruitsig
100% Local: -Premium Company: -N. G. Kerk Vooruitsig – Kimberley NG Kerk Vooruitsig Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk Vooruitsig …
Agape Drug Addiction Treatment Centre
100% Local: -Premium Company: -Agape Family Life Centre is a registered Treatment Centre that offers Rehabilitation services to individuals addicted to Substances. We also offer support and afte…
Rockwood Conservation
100% Local: -Premium Company: -Established in 2013, Rockwood represents a new breed of rhino reserve. Facing the biggest threats to rhinos and other species, the ‘agriculture’, unchecked illegal…
Holistic Wellness Approach
100% Local: -Premium Company: -Holistic Wellness Approach Pty Ltd was registered in 2018. The focus of the company is to implement psychological support for organisations and individuals at affor…
Kimberley SPCA Dog Park
100% Local: -Premium Company: -The construction of the Kimberley SPCA Dog Park began in February 2019 with the purpose of allowing the general public a SAFE place to bring their four legged friends to…
Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk
100% Local: -Premium Company: -Die NHKA (Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk van Afrika) se wortels lê in die Reformasie van die 16de eeu en die Gereformeerde erfenis van ons Nederlandse voorouers wat hull…
100% Local: -Premium Company: -ACVV Kimberley is a designated child protection organization that renders developmental social work services and residential facilities to older persons.…
N. G. Kerk – Jacobsdal
100% Local: -Premium Company: -Ons is ‘n klein gemeente wat groot hoop wil bring… vir almal wie ons raakloop! NG Kerk Jacobsdal Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk Jacobsdal &n…
Gereformeerde Kerk Kimberley
100% Local: -Premium Company: -Gereformeerde Kerk in Ortlepp Street, Kimberley, Northern Cape.…
Road Accident Fund Regional Office & Customer Service Centre
100% Local: -Premium Company: -The Road Accident Fund (RAF) provides compulsory cover to all users of South African roads, citizens and foreigners, against injuries sustained or deat…
N. G. Kerk Kimberley-Wes
100% Local: -Premium Company: -N. G. Kerk Kimberley-Wes NG Kerk Kimberley-Wes Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk Kimberley-Wes …
The Word Church
100% Local: -Premium Company: -Bruce and Anja Milne attended Full-time Bible School in 2006 at Spirit Word Ministries, and then moved on to work in youth ministry in Kimberley. They felt called to giv…
TD Church
100% Local: -Premium Company: -TD Church in Kimberley, Northern Cape. TD Kerk in Kimberley, Noord-Kaap…
Life Church – Kimberley
100% Local: -Premium Company: -Life Church is a dynamic, relevant, Christ-centred church that seeks to lift up the name of Jesus and see people’s lives transformed through our vision “…
Sol Plaatje Municipal Call Centre
100% Local: -Premium Company: -The Sol Plaatje Municipal Infrastructure Call Centre For faults related to water, electricity, roads, potholes, sanitation, drains, sewers, stormwater, and othe…
Blinkklip Lekgotla
100% Local: -Premium Company: -Established on 16 June 2011, Blinkklip Lekgotla prides itself with having achieved in its endeavour of delivering on capacity building, skills development, busine…
Caritas Community Focus
100% Local: -Premium Company: -Caritas Community Focus, is a registered non-profit charity organization, which consists of Caritas Child and Youth Care Centre (038-135 -NPO), Caritas Community…
Crossover City Church – Kimberley
100% Local: -Premium Company: -We’re a church called to complete, not compete. Our heart is the heart of God – His people! We’re a church living to know Christ & Dying to make Hi…
South African National Blood Service (SANBS) – Kimberley
100% Local: -Premium Company: -SANBS is a non-profit organisation; therefore, ownership of its assets does not vest in its members. In the event that SANBS should stop operating, its assets would ha…
Northern Cape SMME Trust
100% Local: -Premium Company: -The Northern Cape SMME Trust is a Non Profit Organisation situated in Kimberley, the capital city of the Northern Cape. Leaders in Incubation for SMME’s.  …
APK Kimberley – Die Kruis
100% Local: -Premium Company: -Die Kruis gemeente is op 20 Maart 2007 gestig en die eerste diens is op 22 April 2007 in die ACVV gebou in Kimberley gehou.…
Stillerwee Huis vir Bejaardes
100% Local: -Premium Company: -Retirement Village in Kimberley Aftree Oord in Kimberley…
Potters House Church – Kimberley
100% Local: -Premium Company: -The Potters House is a Bible-based, Spirit-filled, Non-denominational Christian ministry with a passion to share the good news of Jesus Christ. Worship services fo…
Wesley Methodist Church – Kimberley
100% Local: -Premium Company: -Wesley Methodist Church – Kimberley…
Human Milk Bank Kuruman – South African Breastmilk Reserve
100% Local: -Premium Company: -The human milk bank Kuruman. Every baby deserves the best possible start in life. That’s why, here at the South African Breastmilk Reserve (SABR), we’ve…
Human Milk Bank Upington – South African Breastmilk Reserve
100% Local: -Premium Company: -The human milk bank Upington . Every baby deserves the best possible start in life. That’s why, here at the South African Breastmilk Reserve (SABR), we’v…
Human Milk Bank Kimberley – South African Breastmilk Reserve
100% Local: -Premium Company: -The human milk bank Kimbmerley. Every baby deserves the best possible start in life. That’s why, here at the South African Breastmilk Reserve (SABR), we’…
Hospice Association of Kimberley
100% Local: -Premium Company: -Hospice Association of Kimberley (Saint Teresa’s Hospice) Home Based Care and In Patient Care In 1996 the residential facility (also known as St…
Kerk van die Nasarener – Kimberley
100% Local: -Premium Company: -Kerk van die Nasarener – Kimberley …
St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church
100% Local: -Premium Company: -St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church in Kimberley, Northern Cape. …
Minerva Gardens Retirement Village
100% Local: -Premium Company: -Minerva Gardens Retirement Village Minerva Gardens Aftree-Oord …
N. G. Kerk Kimberley Harmonie
100% Local: -Premium Company: -N. G. Kerk Kimberley Harmonie NG Kerk Kimberley Harmonie Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk Kimberley Harmonie …
100% Local: -Premium Company: -The MOTH Shop at the Moth Centre on Memorial Road is now open on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays from 09h00 until 12h00. There are some amazing bargains availab…
Taberna Dei Diamantstad Kerk – RENAMED
100% Local: -Premium Company: -Taberna Dei Diamantstad has been renamed to TD Church Taberna Dei Diamantstad Kerk Taberna Dei Diamantstad Church…
AP Kerk Kimberley
100% Local: -Premium Company: -A.P. Kerk Moedergemeente – Kimberley AP Kerk Afrikaanse Protestantse Kerk Kimberley Moedergemeente …
100% Local: -Premium Company: -Yonder – Centre for Adults with an Intellectual Disability Yonder was established during 1966 through the efforts of the Northern Cape Men…
N. G. Kerk Bakenskop
100% Local: -Premium Company: -N. G. Kerk Bakenskop – Kimberley NG Kerk Bakenskop Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk Bakenskop…
Sally Aucamp Home
100% Local: -Premium Company: -Sally Aucamp Home for Physically Disabled Sally Aucamp Huis vir Liggaamlikgestremdes…
The Workshop Kimberley
100% Local: -Premium Company: -The Workshop Kimberley, church in Kimberley, Northern Cape. Previously known as Bikers Church. …
Office of the Consumer Protector
100% Local: -Premium Company: -The Northern Cape Provincial Consumer Affairs Offices. To provide consumers with protection, information and advice. You can approach a Consumers Affairs Office t…
CRC Church Kimberley
100% Local: -Premium Company: -The Church is a vibrant mixture of Biblical authenticity and contemporary style which reflects in everything it does. Everyone is welcome at CRC Kimberley.…
Rotary Club of Kimberley
100% Local: -Premium Company: -Rotary is a worldwide organisation of more than 1.2 million business, professional and community leaders. Members of Rotary clubs, known as Rotarians, provide huma…
NG Kerk Kinderhuis
100% Local: -Premium Company: -Die NG Kerk in Noord-Kaapland het twee kampusse, nl een in Kimberley waar 90 kinders versorg word en een in Barkly-Wes waar 45 kinders versorg word.?…
Christina Kiddie Kindersentrum
100% Local: Yes/1Premium Company: -Behoeftes : Voedsel, Klere, Melk, Toiletware, Vleis, Hulp met studie, Hulp met matriekafskeidklere, Bedkassies, Haarsny, Basiese medikasie, Skryfbehoeftes.…
KORC – Kimberley Off-Road Club
Cuisine: -Style: -Smoking: -100% Local: Yes/1For those that love to play in the dirt. Get information on the latest off road races right here.…