Plenty of physical hardware problems crop up on computers after extended use. One of the big problems is dust, dirt, hair and other debris that build up on fans, heatsinks and other components. You’d be surprised at the amount of gunk that accumulates in a PC whose hygiene has been neglected for a while.
With the summer heat being turned up in Central South Africa dirty computers simply overheat resulting in blown mainboards, graphic cards, cpu’s, memory and the failure of hard drives and other components. To prevent a costly failure, downtime and replacement of expensive components you need to get those dust bunnies out of your computer. Luckily you don’t have to tackle the task yourself.
This promotion is valid from Saturday, 11 January 2014 to Saturday, 18 January 2014.
The Small Print To quality for this promotion you have to tell us where you heard of the promotion when you bring in the equipment or arrange for the call out. There will be no charge for cleaning out your computer and doing the diagnostic checkup.
If there is mechanical or software problems we will provide you with the cost for an optional repair. Onsite clean outs: If you are located outside the Kimberley city limits our normal per km travel charge will be charged in addition to the R50 per computer fee. This offer does not include the cleanout of printers and other peripherals. If you do wish to have those cleaned we will only charge you 50% of your standard labour rates during the time of this promotion.
– See more at: http://www.aeon.co.za/free-computer-clean-check/#sthash.cqxrX8JN.dpuf
Shortlink for this post: https://www.kimberley.co.za/?p=7227